This is what I think about…Black women starting your own business and freedom dreaming.

LaTonya Davis, JD
3 min readJun 16, 2021

Everybody can do it, but can everybody do it? Given the nature of our country and the fact that people have amazing ideas I think so. I began K12TonyaDavis because I simply wanted to make more impact beyond one school. Plus, I like the idea of being in charge of my vision, my time and the list goes on. In this piece, I wanted to share a few pointers I have learned to help Black women and potentially others think about freedom dreaming to the fullest extent.

Why: Get ready to answer this question in many forms. You need to know your why because it will keep you motivated. People want to know why you do what you do. I used to work at KIPP Austin (an amazing team), we called this the WIDWID (Why I Do What I Do). Why do you want to start a business? Why this specific business? Who do you really want to help? Notice, none of those questions was about money. I think we all want to make money to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. To be real, money has never been my personal motivation. It has always been impact. I figured money will come.

Mindset. You will be your biggest cheerleader when $$ comes through and when it does not. It is a must that you have a winning mindset. I recall my sister asking one of my uncles how he is doing. He said I am winning. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. You will win some clients and you may lose some. In the process you are learning and growing. Always think of it like that.

Organize. It is important to have an online or hard copy journal to organize your plan of action and write down ideas. I have a big book that I recorded all the things in and it continues to help me to this day.

Get a coach. It is important to learn what you don’t know. I learned all the things-vision setting, branding, pitching, etc. with a coach. Krystal Allen Consulting is a gem and she knows her stuff.

Form a LLC or another. Learn your state requirements, choose your name, pay the fee and submit the forms. There are benefits and limitations to choosing a type of business. This is your decision. Oh, be mindful that your name may be taken. Mine was. LOL.

Solve a pain point. Be mindful that your service or product is really about solving a problem for someone else. It may be efficiency, effectiveness, or moving grows to glows. What is a root cause of the problem? What is a solution you actually have used that works?

Audience. Pinpoint the persons who your service or project will serve. It’s that simple, but yet you have to be clear to prevent you from going down a rabbit hole. Tip-You don’t need to research this. You already know from your experience.

Market. Choose a social media platform that fits the presence you want to use. Honestly, you don’t have to use all of them to make impact. Ultimately, you want to post and share content that aligns to your brand.

Pitch. I love this part! I appreciate the opportunity to develop a presentation that shows what I know about the audience, stats about the problem and what I can do to solve it.

Clients. Begin with reaching out to people and places you have worked. Referrals are the best form of flattery. You also can utilize your Linked In Network as a top space to connect and follow people who are decision makers in the field you wish to serve.

Working + Business. You may have to work full time and work on your business. That’s cool. You may need to earn money while you build it. I did the same while I was a part of a coaching group.

Resources. Find your resource portal to help you develop all the things you will need-invoice, posts, pitches, etc. Personally, I enjoy using Canva and Google Suite. I can easily save, store and repurpose my content.

Brag Book. When you gain opportunities keep a book you can use to brag about them. It is a great way to keep you motivated. Those clients will help you build your portfolio along with past jobs.

I am LaTonya Davis and freedom dreaming is what I think about from my ancestors. You can follow me @k12TonyaDavis and share the article.



LaTonya Davis, JD

I shift people from good intent to exceptional impact from the classroom to the boardroom! #Antiracism #DEIB #Autism