This is what I think about…posting $$$ salary for job openings. Yes!

LaTonya Davis, JD
3 min readJun 26, 2021
Did you know 53% of Americans are unaware of the pay gap between Black and White women?

I am not quite sure why we continue to have this debate. My answer is “YESSSSSS! post the salaries.” I remember going through the job search process and spending so much time on cover letters tailing my resume. Then you have a performance task. Then you go through multiple interviews where you are sharing information already listed on your resume. Even if you get the interview you still may not know the actual salary. Side note. Here comes the reference check and in some cases you left because of racial trauma. My position is if you can share the job responsibilities then add the famous line “and other responsibilities not listed,” why can’t you state the $$. The job search process is already hard enough. Let’s make it easy on people. Please state what the salary is or the salary range. People need a certain amount of money to take care of themselves, their families and pay back student loans. Ugh.

Why it matters to employers? Here are some arguments I have heard from FlexJobs:

1-Employers find it unnecessary. During the Great Recession employers did not have to include salary due to the influx of people seeking jobs. So they stuck with the term DOE.

2-Employers want to avoid competition between current and newly hired employees. Self explanatory.

3-Employers want more negotiation power. The case is stated that employers may consider remote employees in different cities may not need as much as metropolitan city.

4-Avoid competition within the industry. The information could be used to win over candidates by offering more money. Really? More money.

It still does not convince me.

So let’s look at some three (3) criteria for success that I advocate:

Criteria #1: State the salary or range.

Akimbo example: $120,000 USD, non-negotiable.

Why this shift matters? It is just the right thing to do.

Criteria #2: Explain the rationale.

Akimbo example: We believe that when we give people the opportunity to negotiate salaries, we reward those people who are skilled at negotiation. Being a good negotiator does not mean you have more job experience or that you will do better on the job. For this reason, we offer a fixed salary level for all people at the same job level. Our intention is to avoid unconscious bias that leads to pay discrimination.

Why this shift matters? When I saw this statement I was floored. Imagine that. This was acknowledging that the process has the potential to be biased. I believe this shows an example of equity in the sense that everyone starts off with the same access as their counterparts even before you get hired. Second, it interrupts privilege that rewards some over others for being a skilled negotiator, especially when you may or may not have the experience for the job. Finally, it lets the person know whether this salary fits their needs.

Criteria #3. Welcome Black and African American applicants.

Akimbo example: We welcome all applicants, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or gender identity — and encourage Black, Indigenous, and non-Black people of color (BIPOC) to apply. We also encourage Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) folks and all people with non-dominant identities to apply. I would add differently abled people. Click the link for the remainder of how they do it.

Why this shift matters? Given the history of slavery of my ancestors in the United States and its direct alignment to systemic racism in employment, education, housing, criminal justice and health care it is only fitting that employers make a concerted effort to reach out to hire African Americans to fill positions of influence and pay us well.

Now, the next question is what happens once applicants get into new workspaces. This is where the DEIB ongoing coaching, strategies and accountable conversations continue to interrupt interpersonal racism and institutional racism within its borders. But this is a huge big step that all employers should look to do.

Until that happens, where can you go to learn about salaries? LinkedIn Salary, Payscale, The Salary Project and I simply enjoy stating sound ideas that shift cultures from justice to joy. You can follow me on Instagram @K12TonyaDavis. Thank you for reading.



LaTonya Davis, JD

I shift people from good intent to exceptional impact from the classroom to the boardroom! #Antiracism #DEIB #Autism